But, in the end, as good of advice as that may be, it didn't do me or Julius Caesar much good. And it won't do the average Creepy Crawler much good, either, since the Crawl is in October, not March and it's no where near the Ides of any month.
So, I've been thinking, what wise words should I impart to you, the unsuspecting Crawlers? I thinked and I thanked and I thunked and I really came up blank! Then, in my travels around today to your various destinations I ran across a wise old ground hog and he said to me these words... "Beware the Holes of Moles"!
Brilliant! What better advice can I give you?!
This sage wisdom will save you from much heartache and many twisted ankles! So, now I say them to you..."Beware the Holes of Moles, my friends, Beware the Holes of Moles!

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