August 14, 2007

Creepy Crawl

DoubleDragon and I are hosting a fall mini-event this October. The event will be a letterboxing version of a "Road Rally" or "Scavenger Hunt". We will be planting several boxes in the surrounding area for this event. Clues to the boxes and an overview map of the locations will be provided on the day of the event. If you're not familiar with Northern Wayne County & Southern Oakland County, you'll probably benefit by bringing good street maps of the area with you. It will be up to you to determine where each box is planted, puzzles will be provided to participants several weeks before the actual event. It will also be up to you to figure out where we will be meeting after the hunt is done. (Although, you're welcome to call me to surrender if you run out of time or patience.) I'm sure there will be plenty of eating, exchanging and BSing after the hunt.

Please RSVP by 10/1/2007, check out Atlas Quest to sign up

We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please leave a comment here or send me an email through AQ.

BNL Bali Grl

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