August 21, 2007

Creepy Crawl Rules

Clues for the 8 locations will be provided at least one month prior to the event date. Participants must figure out the names of each placement site prior to the event. You do not need to determine where each place is located, just the names. Don’t skip this step; it’s vital to success.

Must check in between 10-11am at Rotary Park in order to participate in the hunt and receive your clue packets.

One clue packet will be provided for each team. Clue packets will include: Overview map of the locations, clues for each of the 8 boxes, clues to determine final resting spot. Wayne & Oakland County street maps are highly recommended and up to you to provide.

Teams can consist of 1-4 people; children 7 and under will not count as team members. (Large groups of people may be overly conspicuous at the box locations, so please keep the total number of people in your group under 6, including the younger kids.)

BaliGrl &DoubleDragon will assign the starting box and/or time for each team. Your team will decide how to proceed from the initial box. (Although the boxes are numbered 1-8, this does not necessarily mean it's best to find them in that order.)

We figured out the “average round-trip mileage” for each starting box. Average mileages range from 42-57 miles. In order to equalize the starting positions, a time adjustment of 1 minute per excess mile will be given based on the average distance of each starting box. For example, no adjustment is made to the 42-mile box, a 3-minute credit is given to the 45-mile box, a 15-minute credit is given to the 57-mile box, etc.

Although you can get to Rotary Park early and assemble your team on the day of the event, the clue packets will not be handed out until the team is assembled and ready to start. If you would like to put together a team, feel free to post requests in the comments section to this post, or use the AQ email system to contact other people who have RSVP'd.

Each team will search for 8 hidden boxes and the final destination. Hopefully, you figured out the “place names” ahead of time as instructed. Teams will have to match the place names with the appropriate box clues at the start of the hunt.

In addition to finding the 8 hidden boxes, while on the hunt, your team must solve the clues along the way in order to figure out the location of the final resting point. These clues will be provided in your packet at the start of the race.

If you are working as a team, it is obviously okay to help each other out with the clues, box finding, etc. But, please do not join forces with or help out other teams along the way.

All team members must travel in one car and cannot “split” the boxes with parts of the teams going separate places.

If your team gets lost during the hunt or needs help, you may call for a hint. A 5-minute penalty will be levied for each request. Contact BNL BaliGrl: (# to be provided on day of event)

The usual letterboxing “rules” apply… especially being discreet and respectful of the locations. Repack and rehide the boxes well.

Yeah, okay, it’s a race… but no speeding allowed! Obey all traffic laws. Driver’s licenses of all team members will be placed in a sealed envelope at the start of the event (you take the envelope with you). If that envelope is opened when you check in at the end, there will be a 5-minute penalty levied.

Hitchhikers: It is okay to leave hitchhikers in the boxes. Remember as the “Leaver”, you must stamp the HH stamp into the box log and the box stamp into the HH log. As a “finder”, please take the HH’s with you to release at a later date. Do not move the HH to another box within this series.

There many other great boxes in this area. We suggest that you do not look for them during this event, but if you do, it’s up to you to provide the clues. And, remember, the clock is running!

Sorry, all dogs and other non-humans should be left at home for this event.

All teams must check into the final destination by 4pm. If it gets to be 3:30-3:45 and you are not done with the hunt, you should stop looking and head to the final location.

If you are unable to figure out where we are meeting, contact BNL BaliGrl for the location and directions. A 10-minute penalty will be levied to any team requesting this information.

Bali and DD will record the official start and finish times, and any time credits and penalties, for each team.

Upon check-in at the final destination, teams must present proof of finding all 8 boxes and show their solution to the final destination clues.

The team that finds all 8 boxes, figures out the final destination, and checks in with the shortest length of time (after any time credits are given and time penalties are levied) will be declared the winner.

In the event of a tie, the tying teams will compete in a special tie-breaker challenge!

In the highly unlikely event that no team is able to find all 8 boxes and solve the final destination clues by the check-in time, the team that made the most progress in the shortest time frame will win.


Anonymous said...

Why "I’m sure it goes without saying, but please do not place hitchhikers in these boxes."?

Just curious...

Wisconsin Hiker

BNL BaliGrl said...

After rethinking the HH issue, I've decided to revise this policy. You can leave HH's, but when you find the... take them with you for replanting on a later date. Don't just move to them to another box.

Anonymous said...

We're two seniors who would love to pair up with another couple. Any takers?
Digus (Diane and Gus)